Bartek Osiecimski
Counsellor & Psychotherapist


Thank you for visiting my website.

If you have found yourself at a difficult time of your life or you just want to make some positive changes, I might be able to help you.

Bartek Osiecimski | Polski Psychoterapeuta Dublin Irlandia

Is it about you too?

Something bad happened in your life. You feel hopeless. You wake up in the morning, but you don’t want to open your eyes. To deal with another day seems beyond your strength. You feel sadness, fear, anxiety, anger, bitterness…

The reason for your mood may be apparent and easily defined. You may have lost someone who was important in your life. Relationship with a loved one ended abruptly and unexpectedly. Maybe because of a death? Maybe a separation or divorce? Perhaps you feel betrayed… Maybe you feel terribly guilty…Exhausted and with zero self-esteem left after all these arguments.

The pain is of varying strength but pierces equally mercilessly. You lost your job, you lost your business, in which you invested your vast enthusiasm and money. Your lifetime achievements are now just a memory. Instead, you carry a weight of enormous debts. How to find solace? How to find hope?


find out more

“We almost always have choices, and the better the choice, the more we will be in control of our lives.”

William Glasser

Counsellor / Psychotherapist in Dublin

If you need help to get through difficult moments in your life and you are looking for a Counsellor, let’s arrange the first session. To make an appointment, you only need to fill out the contact form or call.

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A little bit of darkness in the room

March 21st, 2017|0 Comments

Do we sometimes feel surprised, ashamed and scared by aspects of our personality? Do we know those moments in our counselling practice, when we find ourselves acting in the ways that we are not proud? [...]

Reality Therapy. Choice Theory.

March 17th, 2017|0 Comments

Teoria wyboru, czyli Choice Theory została stworzona przez amerykańskiego psychiatrę, psychoterapeutę Dr. Williama Glassera (ur. 1925) Podstawowe założenia teorii wyboru to: * wszystko co robimy jest naszym zachowaniem, * prawie każde nasze zachowanie pochodzi z [...]

Counselling – what is this and for whom it is

March 17th, 2017|0 Comments

Jak mógłbym wyjaśnić, co to jest counselling? Jeżeli sięgniemy do słownika angielsko-polskiego, to okaże się, że counselling w języku polskim oznacza poradnictwo. Jeżeli połączymy to z psychoterapią, to wyjdzie nam coś w rodzaju poradnictwa psychoterapeutycznego. [...]